Funding opportunities for students and for German-Norwegian cooperations in research and teachings
- Scholarship programme for students and employees of the university: DAAD
- Scholarship for Norwegian and German students of political sciences, law and economics: E.ON Ruhrgas
- The Norwegian Research Council: Forskningsrådet
- Funding for joint projects of Norwegian and German research groups (among others): INTPART
Living and studying in Kiel
- Kiel University
- Shared accommodation for Scandinavian and German students: Deutsch-Nordische Burse
- Kiel City
- Tourist Information Kiel
- Daily newspaper for Kiel and Schleswig-Holstein: Kieler Nachrichten
Studies in Norway and Germany
- Universities in Germany
- Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education: SIU
- Association of Norwegian Students Abroad: ANSA Tyskland
Other links
- German-Norwegian Youth Forum: DNJF
- Goethe-Institute Norway (Oslo)
- Tyskforum – The Norwegian Association for teachers of German
- Deutsche Auslandsgesellschaft in Lübeck
- Links to other Norwegian Study Centres in Europe